Iquitos – A city that sits in the middle of the jungle in Peru. It is the largest city in Peru that has no roads that lead to it. The only way you can get there is by plane or boat. This city is hot and humid as you might expect, but in this city, there lives a man named Ricardo. He is Pastor Ricardo. He makes his money as a tour guide. He has lived his life in the surrounding area of Iquitos, as a child. He grew up in a small village outside of the main city. On this particular day, as he is touring Mariners Peru team, he shares with me his vision. Ricardo tells me his concerns for the souls of the villagers in the jungle. He says he has a heart for these villagers in the remote areas along the Amazon River, and into the jungle. He carries a simple message, but a very important one. This message is of salvation and God’s love to ALL mankind. This man goes out in a boat to the villages, and he packs in to bring the good news of Jesus to the villagers. These people don’t know about that. Many of them have never left their village. They have lived all their lives away from civilization. Many of them do not know what is going on outside of their village. He goes on to tell me he hopes to plant many churches along the Amazon in Peru. This is his dream. I ask him where he will build his church. He looks at me and smiles, I don’t know yet, but God does. This Peruvian has a small stature but a BIG heart. He is allowing God to use him in a special way. One can feel the strength and see the passion in his eyes. He is a simple man on firer for God. I saw and experienced that and what a blessing it was. It is a day I will never forget, and long after that day that I spoke with Pastor Ricardo,I will think of him and I will wonder just how God is accomplishing the vision he put into Pastor Ricardo's heart. Someday, when I return to Peru, I will get in a boat and journey down the river and I will fully expect to see a church along the Amazon River with Pastor Ricardo written on the post. This is an amazing man. A man living his faith in the deep jungles of Peru.
Mark 16:15
You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.
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