For most of us living in the United States, we take many things for granted. Have you ever thought how blessed we are being born into a country with all the infrastructure already in place? How about being born into the family that loves and protects you or that many of us are able-bodied, able to use our limbs as we please?
How would your life change if you were born in a third-world country? How about into a family where your father sold you into prostitution when you are only 12 years old so that he can buy more drugs? Or that because there is inadequate health care the doctor had to amputate your leg and you are now stuck in crutches.
Many poor communities in Peru are like shanty towns with raw sewage running in front of houses, that consist of ply-wood walls and corrugated sheet metal for roofs. At best these homes are 200 square feet for a family of 5 or more. Seeing such blatant poverty makes me wonder if I could live in that state. I know I DON'T want to live in such a state. So what makes me so different that I am where I am and they are where they are? Am I simply blessed? Does worldly riches make one more blessed?
As difficult as it is to see such poverty, I wonder what is worse, physical poverty or spiritual poverty? Despite the tremendous lack and the need, the Peruvian people we were able to minister to are extremely grateful and joyful. I suppose if I had to choose I would choose worldly poverty since this world is just but a blink of an eye compared to eternity with Jesus my Savior. How about you?
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.
Proverbs 28:6
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