Today my town was all a buzz, just because some gringos came to my town in a big bus. There were many of them. They were funny-looking and talked funny too. Some of them even tried to talk to me in Spanish. Now that was funny. What were they thinking!
Well everyone in my town was so excited. We all went to my school because those gringos had something "special" they had planned for us. I was excited too until I found out what they were here to do. All they wanted to do was wash my hair. You know Diary, they really must not have much to do if they come to the Amazon to wash my hair. Or their life in America must be quite boring, to say the least!
I saw my friend, Luz get her hair washed. It didn't look all that exciting and all that soap everywhere! I hoped my clothes wouldn't be soaked as hers were. Well as I was straightening my blouse, a gigantic man guided me to take the empty seat, where a woman with a crazy blue hat gestured for me to come sit. She put around my neck a blue cape of some sorts and then started to spray my hair with water. She even said "hola" wrong. How hard is it to say hola? Well as she was spritzing my hair she was trying to talk to me. All I could do was nod, because I didn't want to burst out laughing. That would be rude you know. Then she started to squeeze out this special shampoo all over my head. She was grumbling about how long and how thick my hair was and that she needed to use two packets. Well then she started to move her hand all over my head. At first it felt weird and it kinda hurt when she would tug on it. But then my head started to tingle and it started to feel very good. As she was running her hands through my hair into my scalp, I could feel the terrible itching subside. You know lately, my head would feel like it was on fire and I would scratch my head because of the horrid itch but I could never satisfy it. It would itch and itch and I felt so helpless to do anything about it. But at that moment, all that terrible itching seems to be slowly melting away. She told me I needed to wait for ten minutes for the shampoo to work. As she left me she was off to shampoo a boy.
After I got my hair shampooed, a pretty younger woman came to comb my hair and she patiently showed me all the little icky bugs that was the cause of my suffering. When all the knots and the bugs were removed from my head, I was off to get the shampoo off. The final person looked to be a boy maybe two years older than me, and he poured cool water over my head getting all the soap off. When all was said and done, I've never felt more refreshed and cleaned. My head was no longer feeling like it was on fire and I could finally relax.
You know Diary, those Americans weren't so bad after all. They talked to me about how to keep my teeth and hair clean, even gave me toothbrush and paste. They also told me about a man named Jesus. How He loves me and died for me. They came so I can experience Jesus' love and that Jesus is my Forever Friend, if I will say sorry for the bad things I did and accept Jesus as my Savior. I don't know about that last part but if those Americans love Jesus and they came to show me His love by washing my hair, maybe Jesus loves me after all.
The Word of the Lord says, "I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
-Matthew 25:40
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